Open Employment

Current Openings

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Bus Drivers

Full-Time Groundskeeper

2-Hour Food Service

Substitutes for a Variety of Positions

Submit letter of application and resume to: Luverne Public Schools, 709 North Kniss, Luverne, MN 56156

Updated: 12.19.24

Math Teacher (MS/HS) - The Luverne Public Schools has a middle school/high school Math opening for the 2019-20 school year. Minnesota licensure in appropriate area required. Coaching assignments are available, but not required. Send letter of application, resume, 3 current letters of recommendation, college transcripts, and a completed district application (found at to Craig Oftedahl, Supt. of Schools ([email protected]), 709 North Kniss, Luverne, MN 56156. EOE
Instrumental Music Teacher (Grades 6-12) - The Luverne Public Schools has a 6-12 instrumental music position open for the 2019-20 school year. Assignment includes marching band and concert band.  Minnesota licensure in appropriate area required. Coaching assignments are available, but not required. Send letter of application, resume, 3 current letters of recommendation, college transcripts, and a completed district application (found at to Craig Oftedahl, Supt. of Schools ([email protected]), 709 North Kniss, Luverne, MN 56156. EOE
Elementary/Kdg Teacher - The Luverne Public Schools has an Elementary position open for the 2019-20 school year. Minnesota licensure in appropriate area required. Coaching assignments are available, but not required. Send letter of application, resume and 3 current letters of recommendation, college transcripts, and a completed district application (found at to Craig Oftedahl, Supt. of Schools ([email protected]), 709 North Kniss, Luverne, MN 56156. EOE
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