Special Education Records



In accordance with the state and federal regulations implementing the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Luverne Public Schools is providing notification of the intent to destroy personally identifiable information related to inactive special education records dated prior to 2011/2012.  

The Luverne School District will retain special education records for students with disabilities for a period of fiver years beyond the student's 21st birthday.  Parents and eligible students will be notified of this practice at the time the student is:

a. dismissed from special education services
b. graduates from school, or
c. ages out of school

Students will be asked to sign an acknowledgement (Notice of Special Education File Retention Procedure) of the district's procedure to destroy the special education records after five years.  No further notice will be given at the of the five years. Achievement, standardized tests and academic records will continue to be maintained as permanent records.

Special education records for students that services have ended prior to 2011/2012 or students who have left the school system more than seven years ago may pick up their records by arranging a time with the District Office at (507)283-8088. An individual 18 years of age or older, unless adjudicated, must request his/her own records. Proper identification and signature of authorized recipient is required.

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